- ag(e)ing conditions
- тренировочный режим
English-Russian dictionary of computer science and programming. 2013.
English-Russian dictionary of computer science and programming. 2013.
ING 4727 — was a barge belonging to Ingram Barge Company that became infamous when it went over or through a levee and landed in a residential neighborhood of New Orleans, Louisiana during Hurricane Katrina.Background and specificationsING 4727 was built in … Wikipedia
'-ing' forms — ◊ GRAMMAR ing forms are also called present participles. Most ing forms are formed by adding ing to the base form of a verb, for example asking , eating , and passing . Sometimes there is a change in spelling, as in dying , making , and putting … Useful english dictionary
fore|cast|ing — «FR KAS tihng, KAHS ; FOHR », noun. the act or process of predicting, on the basis of present trends, of probable conditions or events to come, as forthcoming weather or business activity: »Daily forecasting is a matter of charting current… … Useful english dictionary
liv´ing|ness — liv|ing «LIHV ihng», adjective, noun, verb. –adj. 1. having life; being alive: »a living plant. 2. full of life; vigorous; strong; active: »a living faith; the living question of the hour (Oliver Wendell Holmes) … Useful english dictionary
liv´ing|ly — liv|ing «LIHV ihng», adjective, noun, verb. –adj. 1. having life; being alive: »a living plant. 2. full of life; vigorous; strong; active: »a living faith; the living question of the hour (Oliver Wendell Holmes) … Useful english dictionary
liv|ing — «LIHV ihng», adjective, noun, verb. –adj. 1. having life; being alive: »a living plant. 2. full of life; vigorous; strong; active: »a living faith; the living question of the hour (Oliver Wendell Holmes) … Useful english dictionary
do´-noth´ing|ness — do noth|ing «DOO NUHTH ihng», noun, adjective. –n. 1. a person who lacks initiative or is reluctant to upset existing conditions by taking action. 2. a person who does nothing; idler. –adj. doing nothing; idle; reluctant to act: »Strangely enough … Useful english dictionary
do-noth|ing — «DOO NUHTH ihng», noun, adjective. –n. 1. a person who lacks initiative or is reluctant to upset existing conditions by taking action. 2. a person who does nothing; idler. –adj. doing nothing; idle; reluctant to act: »Strangely enough, the… … Useful english dictionary
pre-ex|ist|ing condition — pre|ex|ist|ing or pre ex|ist|ing condition «PREE ihg ZIHS tihng», any disease or medical problem a person develops prior to seeking coverage of health insurance: »Many Americans may also wonder whatever happened to…the rules intended to keep… … Useful english dictionary
pre|ex|ist|ing — or pre ex|ist|ing condition «PREE ihg ZIHS tihng», any disease or medical problem a person develops prior to seeking coverage of health insurance: »Many Americans may also wonder whatever happened to…the rules intended to keep insurance companies … Useful english dictionary
di|vid|ing line — «duh VY dihng», a real or imaginary line regarded as separating two positions, points of view, ideas, periods of time, or conditions: »A sea barrier forms a far more fundamental dividing line than any land frontier (J. F. Pain). The dividing line … Useful english dictionary